
Sustainability and the natural origin of products are extremely important to consumers. Every action, including a purchase, should carry a purpose and a value. Consumers want to be sure that their everyday consumption choices are in line with the future they aspire to and the values they hold. We want to pursue this jointly and responsibly, contributing to such economic and social development, which at the same time respects the environment. That is why, as a company, we not only create products with respect for the world and nature around us, but also get involved in social actions and activities. This year we adopted parrots from the Kraków Zoo, and recently joined forces with Foodsi to fight product waste. Every action, even the smallest one, has a real impact on the future.


Sustainability and the natural origin of products are extremely important to consumers. Every action, including a purchase, should carry a purpose and a value. Consumers want to be sure that their everyday consumption choices are in line with the future they aspire to and the values they hold. We want to pursue this jointly and responsibly, contributing to such economic and social development, which at the same time respects the environment. That is why, as a company, we not only create products with respect for the world and nature around us, but also get involved in social actions and activities. This year we adopted parrots from the Kraków Zoo, and recently joined forces with Foodsi to fight product waste. Every action, even the smallest one, has a real impact on the future.

Our parrots in the Krakow ZOO

The parrot has been a hallmark of our brand since 1950, when the first company logo was created. This multicoloured bird, such as Barwa, stands out. It puts people in a positive mood for life, inspires action, sends good energy and alludes to nature and drawing the best from it. We have been closely involved with parrots for more than 70 years, so the decision to take care of the animals at Kraków Zoo was an easy one. We took under our wings four blue-and-yellow macaws and two scarlet macaws, which stole our hearts. The fate of animals has never been indifferent to us and our care for them stems from our need, reflected in the mission of Barwa Cosmetics. Adoption of animals that can be visited at the Kraków Zoo involves covering a significant part of the costs associated with the parrots’ stay at the facility. We provide them with the best possible conditions, and thanks to the financial support, we are sure that they do not lack anything.

We support medical facilities

For years, we have been supporting hospitals by donating hygiene products and first aid supplies to medical facilities in Kraków. Every day we are impressed by the work that doctors and medical staff do. At the most difficult moment, which was the onset of the pandemic, we immediately responded to the most urgent needs of hospitals by donating the necessary products for medical staff, including antibacterial gels, antibacterial soaps and hand creams. Nor are we indifferent to the fate of our neighbours. We oppose the war, which is why we have always stood in solidarity with the people of Ukraine, donating cosmetics and cleaning products for those most in need.

Barwa Waterless - we save water!

Caring for the environment should not be a chore, but an everyday life choice. We believe that together we can improve the situation of our planet and take good care of it. We are aware of the risks involved in the production of cosmetics, which is why we do everything we can to minimise the risk of environmental pollution. In order to reduce the consumption of precious water, we have created the Barwa Waterless bar product series. These handmade cosmetics, based on plant-based ingredients, are suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. They have been created in the spirit of sustainability. The products in their innovative form save water and also reduce the amount of plastic used. Each cube of our shampoos and conditioners saves about 0,5 litre of water and two plastic bottles!

Own water treatment plant

Water in cosmetics is an indispensable ingredient of the formula. Due to the fact that the preservative is usually only added at the end of the production process, there is a risk of water becoming contaminated with micro-organisms beforehand. This is why it is so important to use water of very good quality for production. At Barwa, we have our own water treatment plant. This enables us to create demineralised water, which is used in the production of our cosmetics. Filtering is used to remove chemicals, chlorine and other bacterial contaminants. Water softening is responsible for eliminating magnesium and calcium ions from the water. In this way, we ensure the highest quality of our cosmetics, maintaining safety standards while respecting the environment.

We support shelters

Although we have a special affection for parrots, we actually love all animals. We regularly support various local initiatives – before the exceptionally difficult winter time, we organise Christmas collections for the animals of the Shelter for Homeless Animals in Kraków. We also donate 5% of the proceeds from the sale of Barwa Waterless pet washing bars towards products needed by the Kraków shelter.

Follow our activities on social media and support the shelters with us!

We cooperate with Foodsi

The problem of wastage also affects the cosmetics industry. Very often, products with a best-before date of up to a few months can no longer be put on the market and still have a few months of shelf life left. At Barwa, we are committed to minimising our environmental impact through eco-management and eco-design. We have joined the fight against excessive waste – we started cooperation with Foodsi. From October 2022, residents of Kraków can pick up colourful parcels from our head office at 50% less than the regular price.

Foodsi is an app that was created to help minimise the scale of food waste. Its aim is to make use of the surplus that is generated every day in catering outlets, bakeries, food shops and florists. From October 2022, Barwa cosmetics can also be saved in the app.

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