Special mentions for Barwa in the Love Cosmetics Awards 2024

The 6th edition of the Love Cosmetics Awards competition has come to an end. This is one of the most important and biggest cosmetics sector competitions in Poland, organised by the opinion-forming industry portal Wirtualne Kosmetyki. Every year, global and local brands, representing all market categories, take part in the competition. The competition is distinguished by an expert jury, unconventionality – if only when looking at the competition categories, and transparency – brands and products participating in the LCA are shown on the jurors’ social media, and these accounts are highly popular among Instagram or TikTok users.
In this year’s Love Cosmetics Awards 2024, we received 2 awards:

  • The Sulphur Barwa line received an honourable mention in the #Young Generation Choice category.
  • Perfect House Oil & Grease Remover in the #Home Sweet Home category.

We are extremely pleased to have been recognised and appreciated!